Road August 2020
I have drawn whilst travelling for years- snatched time in a busy world. These were the first paintings on the move!

Luing 2019
Working from puddles and the tracks made on the un-tarmaced road. Bringing all the looking of 30 years into these paintings. Having fun with materials- a random collection of gouache, watercolour and acrylic paint- seeing what happens. As always, trying to find the abstract in the actual.

Seashore 2017
After making the Re-pool series of prints I went back to Scotland in the summer and brought some of the collage techniques into these works, including making rubbings and collaging the paper in to create texture and layers of colour.

Sea 2017
The liminal space between sea and sky, land and sea, beach and tide has a massive fascination and is never the same. Responding agin to the tide coming in- forcing myself to work quickly to capture a sense of the tide coming in.

These paintings are titled with the date and time that they were completeed. They become a visual diary of looking. Painted outside, they are often of the same 'view' but because of changes in the weather or the time of day, or year they are constantly different and a constant challenge.

Dudley's Stationery
Withe the same interest in the horizon line, and where sky and land meet, these paintings were made looking East from my studio in Bromley-by-Bow.